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These rules are still subject to change.

Rule 0 - Don't be a douchebag [All rules are up to the admin's discretion. No trying to use loopholes. Impersonating an admin or claiming an admin said or did something they did not may result in punishment.]

Rule 1 - No griefing. Some examples include but are not limited to...
- Picking up fresh spawns from the spawn zones and dragging/dropping them to their death over and over. There's no fun in that.
- Building random turret towers in the forest and spawn areas. (You can build turret towers during a raid. Must be taken down afterwards. Any turret towers that are out of render distance from your main base and not being used in a raid will be destroyed by an admin without warning.)
- Going out of your way to ruin the fun of another person. Consistently griefing them and killing them over and over while they're minding their own business. (Unless you are raiding/getting raided) 
- Max prison time (Cage, Base, Handcuffs, or Tranq.) is 30 minutes, after this time passes you must kill or release the player. Cooldown for recaging is 2 hours. If victim comes back to attack, cooldown is OFF. No passing off to allied tribe to cage for additional time.
- Purposely baiting any kind of hostile creature to other player's bases.

Rule 2 - No raiding a base over and over again.
- Must allow at least 48 hours for your rivals to rebuild. (Applies to a successful raid. Any aggresive action from the raided tribe will null the timer (Ex. counter raid.) and any aggressive action from you will result in a ban (Ex. Sniping their tames.) Open world PVP is not considered an aggressive action. Your allied tribes are also restricted from raiding them before your timer ends.)
- Take what you need and move on. Excessive damage/structure wiping is prohibited.

Rule 3 - No Building or Blocking.
- Caves with Artifacts (You can build in caves without Artifacts, structures takes 6X damage in caves)
- Top of Volcano
- Placing foundations/pillars to "claim land" or prevent others from building. Placeholder foundations must be built on within 48 hours or they will be removed by an admin.
- Purposely building in resource rich areas to keep others from farming.

Rule 4 - No Platform abuse. 
- You must be visible while riding the Quetz. No hiding under structures. (Must be able to see rider from top, front, left and right.)
- MAX 10 Auto Turret/Plant X(Combination) for all other platform saddles (RAFTS INCLUDED).
- You cannot build body armor with structures as protection to prevent your dino from taking any damage.
Any dino found or reported that goes against this rule will be killed without warning. Do not go complain to an admin saying that you did not know. It was your responsibility to read the server rules.

Rule 5 - Respect Other Players
- Be respectful to others, do not harass other players or spam text/voice chat
- Racial/Sexist or any other kind of derogatory slur will not be tolerated.

Rule 6 - No using exploits to build, fight or farm. (Exception, double walling a foundation)
- Ark is still fairly buggy, there is still some bugs and exploits. Abusing these to an extent beyond what would be considered fair will result in punishment.
- If you have to do things a specific way for it to work, it's probably an exploit. Don't do it.

Rule 7 - Advertising
- No advertising other servers/communities in our servers/discord, for any reasons.

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